
Shoubo Hu's Homepage

Shoubo Hu

(Chinese: 胡守博)

8/F., Bio-Informatics Centre,
Hong Kong Science Park,
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

Email: shoubo.sub [at] gmail.com


I am currently a machine learning researcher in the Noah’s Ark Lab, Huawei.

Research Interests

  • Causal discovery
  • Causality-based learning


Refereed conference paper

Domain Generalization via Multidomain Discriminant Analysis
Shoubo Hu, Kun Zhang, Zhitang Chen, Laiwan Chan.
(UAI 2019) paper code supp video poster

Causal Inference and Mechanism Clustering of A Mixture of Additive Noise Models
Shoubo Hu, Zhitang Chen, Vahid Partovi Nia, Laiwan Chan, Yanhui Geng.
(NeurIPS 2018) paper code supp poster

Journal articles

Model-free Inference of Diffusion Networks using RKHS Embeddings
Shoubo Hu, Bogdan Cautis, Zhitang Chen, Laiwan Chan, Yanhui Geng, Xiuqiang He.
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 33, no. 2 (2019): 499-525.
paper paper(open-access) code

A Kernel Embedding–Based Approach for Nonstationary Causal Model Inference
Shoubo Hu, Zhitang Chen, Laiwan Chan.
Neural computation 30, no. 5 (2018): 1394-1425.
paper arXiv code(pairs) code(graphs)